Tuesday, November 29, 2011

C-Vit Liposomal Serum receives award for "Most innovative anti-aging product of 2011"

Our C-Vit Liposomal Serum won the prize as the Most Innovative Anti-aging Product in 2011’ in the 'Cosmetic and Pharmacy Awards'! The sixth edition of these awards, organized by the Spanish weekly magazine ‘Correo Farmacéutico’, broke the participation record with a total of 120 nominations, and 1,137 votes, a figure that far exceeds previous editions.

After passing an initial screening of a panel composed of José Carlos Moreno, president of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, Cristina Tiemblo, national voice of the “Consejo General de Colegios Farmacéuticos” through the“Vocalía Nacional de Dermofarmacia” and Mª Jesús Lucero, professor at the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Seville; actual pharmacists were the those who determined that this product was the most innovative, giving even more merit to this award.

Other products that came in behind the C-VIT Liposomal Serum in the same category were products from Avéne, SkinCeuticals, Caudalie and Lierac.
In 2007 another Sesderma product, specifically Fillderma Nano, received the same recognition.

More information

http://www.sesderma.com/usa/search.php?busc_texto=C-vit_liposomal .


  1. Thanks for this wonderful sharing well ! Skin care involves different steps i.e. cleansing, toning, moisturizing. There are thousands of skin care products are available in market at economical rates.

  2. have you proven and tested this product?
    I still have my capiderm and I am planning to buy this product..
